In 2020 in the ER in Toronto, there was a caution about even doing compressions, because people would "exhale" aerosolized virus. They were so low on PPE, they were reusing much of what they had used during previous shifts. Nurses in the Portland area went to the full on face sheilds with respirator inserts, that resembled gas masks in Aug of 2021. Interesting how fear cripples people. Takes a lot longer to find solutions. It's a given that the censorship played its roll. But fear has blinded soo many. Too many for too long. Thanks for your articles.

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Mar 4, 2023·edited Mar 4, 2023Author

Thank you for the comment. Similar things happened here. We were told to withhold most treatments/procedures involving airway. I refused to follow those orders. By law they could not remove the equipment and drugs from the ambulance, so I continued providing care as I normally would. All of my patients responded well, as expected. I never had anything that resembled what the media and my employer called "covid" and never in the numbers they claimed. Just the typical respiratory issues I have seen since the beginning of my career in 2004.

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